What They Say About Us
“Olivia Fabus, 2nd year SonRise Surfer”
“I took notes of all the meetings I went to last year, and I just wanted you to know that I felt the anointing of God in that room tonight to the point my eyes were tearing. Last year I wrote I was like a 5-6/10 if I died I’d go to heaven and in the last year I am now a 10. You all did amazing tonight and there were so many times I just wanted to start talking too. God really put SonRise Surf in your guy’s hearts.”
“Parent of 1st year SonRise Surfer”
“Our daughter has been coming to Sonrise for the last few weeks now and I cannot thank you enough for being non-judgmental and allowing her a safe space to speak openly and engage in learning more about Christ. She has been raised as a Christian but as is normal for teenagers, they begin to question and challenge. We have struggled to find her an environment by which she can feel comfortable in asking questions openly without judgment and you have so far been able to do that! Thank you.”
“David Poole”
“When I came to talk to y’all after that initial kind of “ad” thing you did at Grace students, on one of the only nights I’ve been there in the past year, I was debating on if I should or not, but I decided to pull the trigger on it. Yes, I greatly enjoy surfing and it’s become a super strong new passion in my life, but I was no where near expecting the impact that the group has made in my spiritual life, and especially in the people around me. I wouldn’t be as bold in my faith as I am now because of y’all. I’m one of those types of people that tries to stay pretty neutral, especially in controversial topics. I absolutely dislike confrontation and get anxiety from anything close to that, and I used to be super scared to share what I believe in with the people that I am around. I am so thankful this awesome group of people, and how it gives me a fresh breath of air amidst all the negativity I’m constantly surrounded with, and the spiritual encouragement that I have received and even been able to unintentionally share to the people that I’m around. Thank you. SonRise Surf has changed my life.”
“Luke Davis”
This past year has been a roller coaster of a relationship between the Lord and I. I hadn’t but the effort into it but honestly SonRise Surf brought me back. Not that I ever left the church or anything, but I wasn’t checking in with God the way I want to. I was showing up to youth meetings, showing up Sunday mornings but that was it. The answers I was giving were real, but then boom SonRise hits and then all of a sudden I wanted to grow back closer to the Lord. July has probably been the closest I’ve been with the Lord in the last 2 years. I think SonRise Surf has done more for me than I can ever give back, so thank you for everything!